President Emmerson Mnangagwa has pampered his wife Auxillia by awarding her philanthropic work with a Jairos Jiri Humanitarian Gold Award. The honoring of Auxillia’s Angel of Hope Foundation comes two years after the First Lady was awarded a medal for her humanitarian work.
In an Extraordinary Government Gazette released yesterday, Angel of Hope was awarded together with COVID-19 co-ordinator Agnes Mahomva among others.
“Grant of Awards: It is hereby notified, in terms of section 5(1)(c) of the Honours and Awards Act [Chapter 10:11], that His Excellency the President and Grand Master of the Order of Merit has granted the following awards:
“Order of Great Zimbabwe in Gold —Dr Sikhulile Moyo, Order of the Star of Zimbabwe in Gold Ambassador Mary Mubi, Order of the Star of Zimbabwe in Silver — Dr Agness Mahomva, Jairos Jiri Humanitarian Award in Gold Angel of Hope Foundation,” read the gazette.
Auxillia runs Angel of Hope Foundation, a charity organisation which helps people leaving with disabilities, youth, the elderly, women and ladies of the night.
Some 103 other people were awarded under Independence Medal in the Bronze.
Among those awarded are: Bimha Michael Chakanaka (Zanu-PF commissar), Togarepi Pupurai (Zanu-PF chief whip), Kandemiri Joseph, Maphosa Shadreck, Moyo Lifneth, Madiro Michael, Matuke Lovemore (Zanu-PF secretary for security), Musonza Pauline, Mandiweni Elizabeth, Fanuel Rebeca, Musanhi Keneth (businessman and Zanu-PF senior member), Shupikai, Hungwe Omega Sipani (senior Zanu-PF member), Nleya Thenjiwe, Binha Caston and Moyo Thulani. Other beneficiaries were Sango Maninha, Ngwenya Jameson, Malaba Primrose, Takaza Ruth, Ncube Siwinile, Dube Addretta, Gapare Herbet, Muzirikazi Gladyman, Mubayi Ben, Goko Maria, Mwaemura Daniel, Musandireka Phillip, Rukato Passwel, Gore Isaac, Mukahiwa Pesverai, Moyo Leivet, Gandya Josephine, Mponda Angeline, Muteve Giva, Zamuchiya Philimon, Nyakudzi Casper, Makanza Simon, Mutambanesango Mavis, Tizamhepo Angeline, Mazvieguta Abigail, Chindoko Denford and Shangwa Rashiwe.
The list also has Mavhunga Witson, Musona Adam, Muguti Isau, Bishi Edmore, Shongedza Hapson S, Zvomarima Handrexious, Sango Morgan, Machando Felex, Madzonga Chriswell, Chasauka Innocent, Marekera Fanwel, Manyepedza Tenson, Masona Joseph, Chizengwe Syrilo and Bota Eric among several others.
In other news – E-Creator fraud: Fourth suspect arrested
A fourth suspect in the case of E-Creator Electronic Commerce company that swindled several people of US$1 million in a Ponzi scheme was arrested and appeared in court on Saturday. Abraham Mutambu, who had relocated to his rural home in Chihota evading arrest, appeared before magistrate Yeukai Dzuda, who remanded him today for bail application.
Allegations are that sometime in January 2023, the accused teamed up with Jao Jiatong, Trymore Tapfumanei, and Justine Muchekenya, who are already on remand for the same case, and other accused persons still at large, and hatched a plan to defraud unsuspecting Zimbabweans through an online investment Ponzi scheme. Read More